The stroke Program, within the Neurological department at the Hospital , Our team is experienced in a wide range of disciplines, including neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, rehabilitation medicine, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and urology.
Our Approach / team
Our neuro rehabilitation team will take a multidisciplinary approach to your care and will include the following.
- Physicians. Your doctor — as well as neurologists and specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation — can guide your care and help prevent complications. These physicians can also help you to gain and maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors to avoid another stroke.
- Rehabilitation nurses. Nurses who specialize in caring for people with limitations to activities can help you incorporate the skills you learn into your daily routines. Rehabilitation nurses can also offer options for managing bowel and bladder complications of a stroke.
- Physiotherapists. These therapists help you relearn movements such as walking and keeping your balance.
- Occupational therapists. These therapists help you relearn hand and arm use for daily skills such as bathing, tying your shoes or buttoning your shirt. Occupational therapists can also address swallowing and cognitive issues, and safety in your home.
- Speech and language pathologists. These specialists help improve your language skills and ability to swallow. Speech and language pathologists can also work with you to develop tools to address memory, thinking and communication problems.
- Psychologists. These specialists assess your thinking skills and help address your mental and emotional health concerns.
Our patients:
The Hospital treats individuals with stroke above 13 years. We treat stroke at any stage in their lives and at any level of impairment. For those patients whose stroke rehabilitation needs are further complicated by other existing medical conditions and/or difficulties with arousal, confusion, debility or age-related factors. We offer Medically Complex Stroke Program.
Treatment, Technology and Research
The hospital uses advanced treatment, proven therapies and technologies that benefit patient recovery. The stroke rehabilitation team also continues to explore new avenues of treatment and engage in promising new research to benefit stroke survivors. Among the many advances available to appropriate patients are:
Body-Weight Supported Treadmill Training to improve gait performance and mobility
Constraint induced therapy devices to strengthen motor function
Robotic therapies to help build new neural pathways
Computer orthoptics to address visual impairments
Advanced pharmacologic and therapeutic interventions to manage spasticity
Augmentative devices to improve communication and speech patterns
We will achieve in time that the patients have a greater improvement during their stay and a higher level of functional independence upon discharge, based on with national benchmarks that measure criteria such as cognitive ability and activities of daily living