
Complaint Policy

Complaint Policy

We welcome any comments or complaints you may have, we have in place a Complaint Policy to ensure that all complaints are handled in an open and honest manner.

With our commitment to providing the highest standard healthcare services in a convenient manner, we aim to make it easy for you to submit a comment or complaint.

If you have a complaint please call our free number 600550005.

You will be contacted within 48 hours to confirm receipt of the complaint and to inform you of the process followed in the investigation.

The complaints process and expected resolution timeframe is up to (6 to 20) working days depending on the type of complaint. This allows us to fully investigate your complaint.

As a patient you have the right to file a complaint if you feel that your complaint has not been adequately addressed, it remains your right to seek assistance either directly with the hospital , or alternatively with Health Authority – Abu Dhabi through the Abu Dhabi Government Contact Centre toll free number 800 555.

We fully adhere to Health Authority – Abu Dhabi’s standards for patient rights and responsibilities, and aim to provide you with the reassurance that your complaint will be acted upon promptly and fairly as per our Complaint Policy.

  • Location

    UAE, Al-Ain, Al Jimi area, Street 31, opposite to Bin Hamoodah Mosque

  • Email Address

  • LandLine

    +971 3 719 5000

  • Fax

    +971 3 766 5540