Acupuncture originated in China over 5000 years ago. It’s based on the belief that health is determined by a balanced flow of chi, the vital life energy present in all living organisms.
According to acupuncture theory, chi circulates in the body along twelve major pathways, called meridians, each linked to specific internal organs and organ systems.
By inserting very fine, sterile single-use needles at specific points along the meridians, your acupuncturist can redirect and reposition the flow of energy (chi) for the purpose of relieving tension, stress, and pain. The uninterrupted and balanced flow of energy along these meridians contributes to one’s overall health. However, blockages and imbalances result in pain and illness.
What Conditions Could Acupuncture Help?
In Western Medicine, acupuncture is mainly used as a pain relief treatment option. Acupuncture may provide short-term pain relief and is commonly used in combination with other treatment options such as exercise.
Acupuncture may be considered by your healthcare professional after their thorough assessment in the following conditions:
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Knee Pain
- Sciatica
- Headaches
- Muscle & Joint Pain
Osteopathic Medicine
Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy which seeks to find and treat the root cause of your pain or symptoms.
Osteopaths primarily work through the neuro-musculoskeletal system, using a holistic and patient-centered approach. At the hospital, our experienced osteopaths will carry out a detailed musculoskeletal examination in order to determine the cause of your symptoms and devise an individualized treatment plan.
How do osteopaths treat?
Osteopaths use their hands to work on tight muscles and restricted joints in order to restore full, pain free movements. Osteopaths use a broad range of hands-on techniques including soft tissue massage and stretching, deep tactile pressure, and mobilization, articulation or manipulation of joints.
What do osteopaths treat?
Although osteopaths are best known for treating back pain and neck pain, they are trained to treat all joint pain; shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle.
- Back pain
- Headaches, neck and shoulder tension
- Joint and muscle strain
- Sciatica
- Arthritic pain
- Repetitive strain injury
Chiropractic is a branch of medicine that specializes in treating misalignment of joints such as the spinal column. These misalignments believe to cause many issues that affects body organs, nerves and muscles. This is after a thorough medical diagnosis. Although, chiropractic has a reputation as dealing with neck and back pain, chiropractic’s focus is on life force, the nervous system which is our master controller, and on correcting subluxation of the human spine. When subluxation or misalignment is corrected, the nervous system–our master controller more fully expresses itself, thus greater life force, greater health.
How does chiropractic treat and rehabilitate the body?
The human body handles and organizes itself under the control and direction of the nervous system. Millions of signals from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain are sent each moment via the spinal cord. Therefore, chiropractic treats misalignment/subluxation of the spine as it is an impediment to proper transmission of nerve information and communication. A nervous system that functions without interference is a key component of health.
What do chiropractor treat?
- Neck and low back pain
- Upper and mid-back pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Sciatica and disc problems
- Sprain/strain injuries
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which expert therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. At the hospital, Cupping therapy is used for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
At the hospital, Cupping therapy is performed by an expert therapist by applying suction cups on their skin. This method draws blood and fluid away from any inflamed area to the surface of the skin. The cupping therapy in Royal Health- the hospital helps the areas of pain and inflammation greatly as it relieves congestion and allows blood to flow easier.
Cupping therapy helps in reducing pain or discomfort by, increasing localized circulation, increasing oxygenation and nutrient content within the tissue, removing stagnant blood and waste products, Re-initiating the healing process to micro-trauma, Stretches fascia and connective tissue, which leads to a relaxation response.
At the hospital, Cupping therapy are used to treat a variety of conditions such as:
- Muscle pain and tension
- Reduced joint movement
- Headaches
- Back pain and sciatica
- Stress and anxiety.